Formulate the future of sustainable cleaning technologies

Our Mission
Provide high quality cleaning solutions to every community and industry in the prairies and beyond. Establish a beneficial microbiome under water and progressive chemistries above. Dedicate passion and preparation to the practice of environmentally and economically sustainable business.
The future refreshes our daily lives with new technologies, product innovations, and exciting ideas that inspire all of us. Our inspiration comes from the fact that when we clean something, we do not make a mess. By that, we mean that we use the most efficient, environmentally-friendly, and inexpensive means to create the best results for our clients. These results mean cleaner water across the globe, less waste, and more money to go around for everyone. For over two decades we have focused on cleaning and maintaining a healthy environment. As the world grows and prospers, it is important to deal with the waste we generate. At EnviroWay, we do not just deal with waste, we completely transform it. By partnering with Mother Nature, EnviroWay develops clear, yet sophisticated processes to simplify everyday cleaning routines.
Why Choose EnviroWay?
Our products have many benefits for you and the earth.

Phosphates are known to cause an increase in toxic algal blooms. Proudly, none of our products contain phosphates.
Better for You
and the Environment
Wherever possible, we've formulated our cleaning products to be safe for the environment as well as our customers.
Our Ecologik premium line of products is designed with formulations that bring world class cleaning to the homes of Canadians.
Visit ecologikshop.ca for more information.

Natural Ingredients
Many of our cleaning products feature naturally produced ingredients including beneficial bacteria and enzymes, as well as surfactants from plant-based sources.

We formulate and package our products in our manufacturing plant near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Our Services
We offer service on cleaning machinery, product deliveries, and a store to make finding your next cleaning solution quick and easy.

We sell vacuums, scrubbers, extractors, and other cleaning machinery. We repair all models and brands. Have questions?
Give us a call!

Learn more about our products and delivery services:
(306) 244-7727

Come see what we have to offer at our store in Saskatoon at
2241 Hanselman Ave.
2241 Hanselman Avenue
Saskatoon, SK Canada S7L 6A7
Ph: (306) 244-7727
Fax: (306) 244-7772